Sunday, August 12, 2007

2. Proposal (English)

Different possibilities exist for Latin to come back as a live European language, serving as a bridge between its diverse people and countries. From this Blog we endeavour for a means however slow, progresssive and friendly. The intention is not against any linguistic dominium: if a language dominates, this is due to several reasons. Of course, we respect them, None the less, Latin is a historical language in most of Europe which can enable communication and constitute a great advance.

According to the accumulated experience the next steps would develop new initiatives to simplify the linguistic chaos resulting from the use of several main languages in the European Union’s documents. For instance, an original version in Latin could be elaborated for the official documents approved and then use it as a point of departure for the diverse translations to each country’s national language.

Obviously, the use of a common language can be deployed in many fields, and after one, or at the most two generations, the advantages of this situation will be so evident and above discussion.

An initial impulse is thus required as well as reasonable prudence to avoid hasty steps that would entail problems before solutions.

One simple programme for a systematic reintroduction of Latin would enhance its advantages. It only requires that some European (or national) authority sees this possibility to start the process.

From this Blog we propose simple measures that would make life easier for Europeans, especially those who move from one country to another.

1. Implementation of Latin labels besides the usual languages at major airports, train and bus stations as well as at the most important highways. City names and common services could be named in Latin. In this way, understanding would be available for everyone, no matter their native language.

2. Use Latin to name meetings and activities of the European Union so that no national language will feel diminished or displaced avoiding any sensation of linguistic imperialism.

3. Create a Commission formed by specialists from different countries in order to unify criteria use of “neo Latin”. Researching its simplified use for an easy introduction in any activity requiring it.

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